Pedido de Acesso para Membros da Portuguese Garrison/501st Legion

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Registado: 10 mar 2019, 15:56

Re: Pedido de Acesso para Membros da Portuguese Garrison/501st Legion

Mensagem por Ewokian »

barbaramota Escreveu: 09 mai 2024, 21:47 Boa noite,

Peço acesso membro ao fórum.

Olá Barbara.

Infelizmente, o teu estatuto dentro da legião 501 é actualmente na reforma, ou seja, já não tens acesso ao fórum.
Operation Protocol Escreveu:A Retired Member is NOT eligible to:

-Vote in unit or legion polls or elections.
-Run for office or accept an officer or administrative position.
-Buy or create 501st Legion or Unit merchandise.
-Coordinate official 501st events.
-Participate in limited access events or requests.
-Access the main Legion forum.
Access unit members-only forums. This is reserved for active members who meet the requirements of active membership at the discretion of the unit leader.
-Have their picture posted in the membership section.
-Be brought on charges for violations of the 501st rules and regulations
Caso queiras passar novamente a estatuto de activo terás que efectuar um pedido por escrito, como descrito no Operations Protocol. Deixo aqui em baixo a passagem do Operation Protocol.
Operations Protocol Escreveu:A Retired Member is eligible to:

- Retain a displayable legion profile with .Retired. indicator.
- Return to active status via a written request, re-approval of their costume, and completion of or immediately pending completion of a troop.
- Have their membership information and ID number saved/maintained in the 501st Legion database with the member from cradle-to-grave, unless otherwise reassigned by a judgment of the Legion Council through a 2/3 majority vote of the Legion Council members.
Caso tenhas questões ou dúvidas, por favor entra directamente em contacto comigo para que te possa ajudar.